Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Silas turns 1

I cannot I have a one-year old!  I think the world decided to move faster because this was the fastest year of my life.  He went from this little 6 pound baby that I was afraid I would break his fingers when I put his arm through his sleeper to a little guy with a pot-belly that stole my heart.  I didn’t think that I could love someone so much.
He is such a fun baby.  Silas enjoys dancing to any sort of music that he hears and sitting in my lap to read a book. He gets excited when he sees the dogs and waves to them any chance he can get.  The dogs have learned that Silas enjoys sharing his meals while sitting in his high-chair (this is a big help since I no longer have time to sweep my floor). Silas likes sleeping with a bear blanket and he hugs it while patting it when he gets sleepy.  He loves blueberries and cheese! He whispers. He says mama and will hug you when you ask.  He enjoys baths and balloons.  That’s my baby!
For his 12-month pictures, we did a smash cake photo shoot.  Even though Silas wasn’t crazy about eating the cake, the pictures turned out great.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Life without a helmet

Silas is adjusting to life without the protection of his helmet. He's starting to be more mobile and faster at it too!  Which means Josh and I are running around more trying to keep him from getting into things.  No more sitting him in one place and finishing getting ready for work in the morning.  The dogs aren't excited that they have something constantly grabbing at them and interrupting their naps on the couch with a quick poke and a giggle.  However, Coop and Dooley do enjoy the extra cheerios and bananas that find their way to the floor.

We have the baby gates up and the covers on the electrical outlets - the cabinet and drawer latches are purchased, but that's as far as we got with those. :)

Today while getting ready for work, Silas was crawling around and fell into the knob of the dresser. ouch!  Instant bright blue bruise and a goose egg on his forehead.  I didn't know bruises could be that color.  He's a pretty good trooper but wanted Dad not me for comfort. 

Its a whole new world out there for him now that he has to learn that he's not invincible.  No more crawling under and into any thing he wants while smashing his head into things along the way.

Now that he doesn't have a helmet rubbing his head all day, his hair finally has a chance to grow and not be rubbed off.  Silas now has a funky duck bill/mohawk that makes me smile.  Guess he got his daddy's cowlick.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Helmet is officially off!

Silas' helmet is officially off! Yea! His head isn't perfectly round, but its pretty dang close. I am very impressed by the results that we have seen with the helmet. We saw results within the first couple weeks.

Its amazing to look at the before pictures and to think what he would look like if we did not decide to get the helmet.  I am so happy with our decision.