Well we had Silas’ helmet appointment yesterday afternoon. They determined that his head shape isn’t severe enough to cause medical problems; however, his dimensions are bad enough that insurance will cover the helmet. The guy did say that it was our choice and that it would be more for cosmetic reasons but we do live in a cosmetic society – which made me feel guilty for wanting him to have a round head since its to make him look better. Josh and I knew we wanted one before we had the appointment anyways, so we went ahead with getting one. Silas will be more confident when he’s older if he ever wants to buzz his hair. We’ll be glad we did it in the end.
He screamed the entire time, didn’t help that he has an ear infection….here are some pictures so that you can see the process to get a plaster mold of his head. It took about 20 minutes.
They first put a mesh ski-mask like hat on him. He didn’t like that at all. Notice his lip hanging out.
Then they put Silas in the bumbo - he’s not fond of sitting in those these days (maybe it was b/c it was purple). Then they started putting the plaster o the side of his head.
Ones the sides were done, they put the plaster on the top of his head….still not a fan and still crying. He really started to move towards the end and got plaster all over his sleeper and his face. Doesn’t he look like a Chinese warrior with all that plaster on his head?
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